Give Yourself Permission to Mess Up
Millions of people are obsessed with perfection. This obsession makes it difficult to make a decision without wasting too much time analyzing every detail. Don’t get me wrong, it pays to get things right.
You will make mistakes, hurt others and get hurt. Big ones, little ones, ones you can fix and others you can’t. Seriously. You’re going to mess up at some point no matter how proactive you are — it’s inevitable.
Unless…you do nothing.
So, stop chasing perfection.
Screwing-up is part of life and success… the more, the better (within reason). Dreams and long-term goals in life and business require risk. It’s hard to achieve something worthwhile when you play it safe.
Push the boundaries and be prepared to start over.
The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists. It rewards people who get things done. Give yourself time in your life to wonder what’s possible and to make even the slightest moves in that direction.
You will screw up in the process but it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up for making a mistake or making a wrong choice. It will only lead to self-destructive behavior.
It’s okay to screw up as long as you are willing to try again. Non- conformists and originals screw up a lot. But they move on, knowing that at some point, the breakthrough will happen.
No matter how many mistakes you make, or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
You don’t always need the perfect plan. Sometimes you just need to give it a try, let go, and see what happens. That’s courage.
Action begets outcome. Outcome begets action. Rinse, lather and repeat and you have momentum. You’ll become unstoppable.
You have more than one shot
I have screwed up many, many times in the past, but I have moved on. You’re going to make your own, and that’s okay so long as you learn from them and figure out a different path towards the same goal.
Amelia Earhart, once said, “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.
The biggest screw up you can make is to just give up and accept that you can’t succeed because of you who you are or where you come from. If you are going through hell, don’t stop. And if you catch hell, don’t hold it.
Give yourself permission to start over
When you follow your own true north you create new opportunities, have different experiences and create a different life.
Make no mistake. The world is waiting for you. Waiting for you to stop asking for permission. Waiting for you to pick yourself up and start over. To stop questioning yourself.
Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning argues Robert Kiyosaki.
Screwing up does not mean you will never, ever be successful. Trying and failing is better than doing nothing. Making a mistake will not irreparably damage your credibility or reputation.
Remember, being completely terrible at something is the first step to being pretty damn good at it.
It’s okay to screw up, just don’t give up!
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